Art Deco Poster

Role:The Colour Theory course lab. Art Era Colour Exploration. The task was to select and explore one of the given art eras and to create a poster for a mock event in the selected design style. Colours had to be chosen according the era as well.

Description:I created a poster for an immersive art exhibition dedicated to the art-deco era and its two brightest artists, Tamara de Lapicka and Diego Rivera. This era was presented in the 1920-30 years in Europe and later spread to the American continent. Art Deco influenced interior design, jewelry, fashion, and architecture.

The Art Deco colour scheme includes black with combination of white or gold, metallic tints like gold and silver, bright colours as a symbol of prosperity such as yellow, emerald green, and purple so I used an emerald green as a vivid primary color with black and gold as the supplementary hues.

In Art Deco era there were many decorative elements including patterns with trapezoidal, zigzagged and triangular shapes, chevron patterns, stepped forms, sweeping curves and sunburst motifs so I used a rhombus shape for my central composition.